
website about medallion

History of the company

Expert Mining Solutions is a company that was incorporated in South Africa over 20 years ago addressing a specific need in the South African Mining industry.

Expert Mining Solutions mission is: provide advanced products and technologies designed to keep working environments in mining, tunnelling, and drilling both safe and productive.

The first need arose when Expert founder and current CEO was contacted regarding importing and maintaining technology that was to be sourced from USA. Expert had identified a need in the mining industry that many companies had sourced product and there were short-comings on the support and services side. Expert Mining found themselves filling this space in the market. Over the last 20 years Expert Mining Solutions have found themselves deploying product and technology supported by various OEM suppliers whom did not have a footprint in Sub-Sahara Africa and could rely on Expert Mining Solutions to manage and grow this portfolio for them in South Africa .

Expert Mining was instrumental in marketing and deploying, along with the OEM, one of the largest footprints in underground collision avoidance systems in underground coal over 10 years ago and already at that time slowing down and stopping electrical machines as well as interfacing mechanical load haul dumpers as early as 2011. Expert did not stop at this point but progressed to the supply and support of underground refuge chambers and voice communications systems . The next challenge would come in supply and support of fatigue detection systems in the opencast mining environment which led to one of the largest EEG fatigue system roll-outs in Africa. We met this challenge and moved on to deploying surface collision avoidance systems across South Africa and across our borders.

It soon became subsequent that this recipe of doing business was highly successful for companies entering into the South African mining markets and within no time foreign companies that were introduced via the Expert Mining Solutions methodology into these markets would entrench their own footprint in South Africa, opening up branches and divisions with ultimate effect, boosting the South African economy with further foreign investment job creation and sustainable business moving forward.

Expert Mining Solutions had consistently introduced technologies to bridge the gap between both surface and underground operations and between diversified mining environments. Our many diverse clients have latched the Expert mining Solutions methodology with Leading-edge technologies and ongoing customer support while at the same time providing safety, communications, monitoring and control systems. Expert is committed to the local mining industry.

20 years on and Expert has expertise in various fields of mining operations and has over time built its several divisions across mining sectors, covering many facets and specialities in mining service provisions, so much so that the Expert mining Group have brought many of these technologies and manufacturing processes into Southern Africa, employing and manufacturing locally under license and supporting the mining industry with local content and local empowerment. Today Expert mining Solutions has in house Engineering, Flameproofing and Electronic design and even manufacturing on our 40 000 m2 Facility in the heart of Gauteng Ekhureleni, with offices across Southern Africa reaching as far as Namibia , Witbank, Steelpoort, Rustenburg and Mokopane. We are proud of our local partnerships in each of these mining areas, partnering with the mining community and putting back into these communities.

Expert mining Solutions is not just a service provider and mining equipment manufacturer, it is mining and community partnered, advanced by great ideas and committed people.

Our Responsibilities







Available Appointments on February 14, 2025

  2:00 pm – 2:30 pm1 space available
  2:30 pm – 3:00 pm1 space available
  3:00 pm – 3:30 pm1 space available
  3:30 pm – 4:00 pm1 space available
  4:00 pm – 4:30 pm1 space available